
Ligature Risk Assessment Tool



This collection of detailed tools supports surveillance of inpatient units to identify and manage potential ligature risk points within the department that could put a patient at risk for harm to self. Each tool is designed to support compliance with ACHC standards for accreditation but can be further customized to align with the hospital’s policies and procedures.

Separate assessments for behavioral health and non-behavioral health units are based on the differing expectations for a safe environment. For behavioral health units, the goal is ligature-resistance. For non-behavioral health, the goal is staff awareness and proactive mitigation where ligature risk is identified. For these units, a shift-based bedside checklist is an additional resource.

The tools:

  • Ligature Risk Assessment – Behavioral Health Unit(s)
    • Risk and Corrective Action Dashboard
    • Unit-based Compliance Assessment
  • Ligature Risk Assessment – Non-behavioral Health Unit(s)
    • Risk and Mitigation Dashboard
    • Unit-based Risk Assessment
    • Environmental Mitigation Checklist – Non-behavioral Health Unit(s)

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