PCAB Hazardous Drug Designated Person Certification
About HDDP
31.5 CEs Available!
USP General Chapter <800>, which became official December 1, 2019, offers guidelines for the safe handling of hazardous drugs. USP <800> also stipulates that each entity handling hazardous drugs (HDs) MUST identify a Designated Person (DP) to guide them through initial implementation and to ensure ongoing compliance.
Our HDDP Certification course is a self-paced, cost-effective way to train the employee who is to assume the required role of DP, and to certify that he/she has the knowledge to ensure your organization’s compliance with USP <800>.
The HDDP Certification course has been revised to reflect updates made to the new chapters, effective on November 1 , 2023, for USP <795> and <797>.
The self-paced study guide is divided into three sections—Administrative Topics, Handling Hazardous Drugs, and Implementing USP <800>—with a total of 15 different modules. Each module covers a topic that the DP is required to be familiar with. These topics include:
Part 1: Administrative Topics
- Module 1: Background and Program Management
- Module 2: Developing and Maintaining a List of Hazardous Drugs
- Module 3: Assessment of Risk
- Module 4: References and Resources, Standard Operating Procedures, Training, and Competency
- Module 5: Facilities and Equipment
- Module 6: Personal Protective Equipment
Part 2: Handling Hazardous Drugs
- Module 7: Receipt and Storage
- Module 8: Compounding
- Module 9: Labeling, Packaging, Dispensing, Transport, and Administration
- Module 10: Deactivation, Cleaning, and Disinfection
- Module 11: Disposal
- Module 12: Spills and Exposure Events
- Module 13: Hazard Communication Program
- Module 14: Environmental Monitoring and Medical Surveillance
Part 3: Implementing USP <800>
- Module 15: Reaching and Maintaining USP <800> Compliance
HDDP Renewal Program
The renewal program will cover all USP <800>. The renewal test will cover all the modules but will focus more on modules: 3, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15.